Making Yogurt is Easy and Anti-capitalist

Peasant Woman Cooking By a Fireplace by Vincent Van Gogh Peasant Woman Cooking By a Fireplace by Vincent Van Gogh

Making yogurt is actually easy, and can be an anti-capitalist action. Making yogurt from scratch like making most things from scratch is significantly cheaper. A 32 ounce jar of yogurt costs 4-8 dollars. A 128 ounce (1 gallon) jug of milk costs about the same (4-8 dollars). By this math, making your own yogurt only costs about a fourth of what it would cost to buy it. This means not only are you saving money, but you’re giving less money to corporations. The less money we spend, the less money billionaires have.

Making things on your own also tends to have fewer people and steps involved than buying packaged “finished” products from the store. This means there is less waste. There is less shipping of materials and packaging at different stages, less land is being used for factories, less fossil fuels involved. You see every step of the process and can ensure that you’re doing it as ethically as possible. Of course the milk is still being sourced from a possibly unethical source, but let’s take things one step at a time.

All you need is some leftover yogurt and some milk. This makes good use of the last few spoonfuls of yogurt that inevitably get thrown away. Boil some milk. After it comes to a boil, let it cool to being lukewarm. If it’s hot then it will kill the live culture in the leftover yogurt. If it’s cold, then it’s not the right environment for it to become yogurt. After the milk is the right temperature, pour it into a container with a couple spoonfuls of leftover yogurt. Cover the container and put it somewhere that retains heat like the oven. Don’t actually turn the oven on. It’s just an insulated place. Leave it there for about 6-8 hours. Then it’s done. You can put it in the fridge. Now you have yogurt!


Written on November 1, 2024

Tags: sustainability , life